Дефицит на внимание - ADHD

Разстройствата на вниманието като синдрома на дефицит на внимание ( ADD ) и хиперактивност / дефицит на внимание ( ADHD ) се характеризират с импулсивност , прекомерна двигателна активност , затруднения в концентрацията и устойчивостта на вниманието - това са също така характеристики на поведението при стрес ! ADD / ADHD разстройствата рядко се появяват изолирано и често са комбинирани с други неврологични / психични проблеми като депресия , опозиционно разстройство и отхвърляне на нормите в поведението , маниакално - натрапчив синдром , трудности в ученето. Това създава усложнения при диагностицирането на ADD / ADHD. Съвременни методи за диагностика като електроенцефалограма ( ЕЕГ ) и позитрон-емисионна томография (РЕТ )  разкриват , че страдащите от ADD / ADHD имат специфични и разпознаваеми образи при сканиране дейността на мозъка им като анормално увеличени бавни  мозъчни вълни алфа и тета ( особено по време на когнитивни дейности като четене , смятане ) и намалено  кръвоснабдяване на мозъка в челните дялове ( отговорни за вниманието , логичното разсъждаване и рационалните решения ) .Електронните системи за тренировка на мозъка чрез аудио - визуално увличане на мозъчните вълни ( АВУ / Майнд Машини ) ефективно и без странични ефекти въздействат върху всички основни характеристики на ADD / ADHD :

       ► Нормализация на мозъчните вълни в алфа диапазона
       ► Едновременно понижаване на тета и увеличаване на бета мозъчните вълни
       ► Увеличаване и нормализация на кръвоснабдяването на челните дялове на мозъка
       ► Индуциране на медитативен транс ⇒ дисоциация и откъсване от деструктивните мисли , стрес и тревожност
       ► Дълбока психо-физиологична релаксация ⇒ подобряване качеството на съня и възстановяването
       ► Преход към парасимпатична доминанта на автономната нервна система ⇒ редуциране на хиперактивността
       ► Подобряване на концентрацията и устойчивостта на вниманието
       ► Намалена или прекратена нужда от стимулиращи психофармакологични лекарства ( риталин , метилфенидад )

В дъното на тази страница след отзивите от клиенти ще намерите описанията на подходящите за това приложение продукти. 
Отзиви Разстройство с Дефицит на Вниманието и Хиперактивност

С любезното разрешение на фирмата производител Mind Alive Inc. - Canada публикуваме отзиви на техни клиенти. Молим за вашето разбиране и извинение  , че поради големият размер на текста повечето отзиви са все още непреведени на български. Ние работим за отстраняването на този недостатък на сайта. Повече информация за приложенията на тези електронни устройства , научни изследвания и видеофилми може да намерите в процедури & наем , Библиотека майнд машини , Библиотека Биофидбек, Библиотека Електростимулация и отговори на често задавани въпроси.
Отзиви от  Peter Rayment
Edmonton, Alberta
October 27, 2009

“Много съм благодарен за това , че намерих вашата компания и „DAVID”. Това устройство отваря един нов свят от възможности за мен. Използвам DAVID PAL от 6 месеца. Забелязвам , че имам по-нарядко главоболие отколкото съм свикнал да имам и се радвам на доста добро здраве като цяло. Последната пролет освен това открих , че имам разстройство , свързано с дефицит на вниманието ( ADD ) . За мен е доста изненадващо , че DAVID също така е чудесен инструмент за третиране и на това специфично състояние.”

Отзиви от Kurt Scott
St. Paul, Minnesota
February 17, 2009

„Докато използвам DAVID PAL36 с CES ( комбиниран с кранио електростимулация на мозъка) намирам все повече неща , които харесвам във вашия продукт. Отидох да играя с мои приятели през последния уикенд и те ме попитаха какво ми се е случило. Чувствам , че зимната депресия просто си отива и отшумява след краткото време , от което използвам DAVID. Бях свикнал да се събуждам в такава умствена мъгла , а сега се чувствам много добре. Цял ден си пеех и тананиках през целия ден докато работех. Използвам кранио електростимулация само докато гледам телевия и слушам музика. След 30 минути се чувствам толкова спокоен и умиротворен.

Освен разстройството на внимание с хиперактивност (ADHD ) , което е с мен откакто се помня , също така имам невропатия в краката тъй като освен всичко друго живея с HIV/AIDS от 23 години. Поради всичко това поддържането на нивото ми на стрес под контрол е особено важно. Използвал съм много алтернативни методи , за да поддържам живота си балансиран и все още съм доста енергичен и жизнен , но тази зима беше доста тежка за мен и депресията / тревожността бяха особено силни. Забелязах значителна разлика само след 3 дена употреба на вашия DAVID PAL36 с CES. Аз винаги бих предпочел моя нов PAL пред използването на кутия за светлинна терапия за сезонно афективно разстройство. Аз намалих моето лекарство за дефицит на вниманието с една трета с помощта на вашия продукт и под супервизията на моя лекар.”

Отзиви от  Danielle
January 6, 2009

„Синът ми и аз използваме DAVID ALERT от 15 дни ( веднъж дневно ). И двамата имаме разстройство с дефицит на внимание и хиперактивност (ADHD ) и също така и двамата сме на лекарства за това състояние от няколко години. Противно на всички очаквания синът ми няма нужда и спря лекарствата след 5 дена употреба на DAVID и като цяло се чувства много добре ! Преди това веднъж месечно ние опитвахме да спираме лекарството му за един ден , но опитите ни ни хвърляха в отчаяние : без лекарството поведението на сина ни беше много стресиращо.

Лекарството му работеше добре за концентрацията в училище , но аз се тревожеж от липсата на апетит в сина ми , която е страничен ефект от медикамента. Синът ни не наддава тегло в нормата , нито расте достатъчно добре. Без лекарството синът ни се превъзбуждаше извънредно силно и поставяше себе си и други хора в опасни ситуации.
Вечерта след като влиянието на лекарството се прекратяваше той имаше много спречквания и конфликти с всички нас и аз прекарвах времето си наистина в стрес при мисълта „ какво ще е следващото нещо , което ще направи той?”.

Така че само след 15 дни има значителни позитивни промени за нас. Аз също спрях лекарството си за една седмица. Намирам сесиите с DAVID за извънредно релаксиращи и се чувствам много освежена след края им. И двамата със сина ми наистина се радваме на нашите ежедневни сесии с DAVID ALERT и не се нуждаем от напомняне да го правим , защото е много приятно да се плъзнеш в това състояние на дълбока релаксация. Синът ни е много по-центриран. Накрая цялото семейство изпробва устройството. Съпругът ми работи дълги часове в много стресираща обстановка. Той казва , че това е фантастичен начин за релаксиране по време на обедната почивка и да „се завърнеш обратно на работа на пълни обороти” след това. Нашите други две деца нямат ADHD , но и двамата се наслаждават на релаксацията , която създава устройството. Така че изглежда , че DAVID ALERT работи за всички – с или без ADHD !”

Отзиви от  Paul Botticelli
East Setauket, NY, USA
October 27, 2008

„Бих искал да споделя един успешен случай с вас. Той включва човека от моето първо изследване с приложение на DAVID PAL36 с CES ( комбиниран с кранио електростимулация на мозъка ) , което започна миналата година. Името на изследваното лице е Т.С. , на 19 години. Той е приключил първата си година в колежа със значителни проблеми в ученето. През цялата година той е бил на фармакологично лечение с Wellbutrin ( четвъртият по продажби антидепресант в САЩ , служи и като средство за подпомагане отказването на цигарите ) и Concerta ( психостимулиращо лекарство от вида метилфенидат – за фармакологично третиране на синдрома на дефицит на внимание и хиперактивност , в някои случаи и депресия ) без да има подобрение или полза от това лечение. Той се справяше доста зле и имаше огромни трудности да се организира и да фокусира вниманието си. Той не употребява алкохол и наркотици , така че в случая няма проблеми поради зависимост от вещества.

През лятото аз започнах да използвам системата DAVID PAL при него. Той прекъсна вземането на лекарствата си със знанието и съдействието на неговия психиатър и подобри настроението , нагласата и поведението си през следващите 8 седмици до такава степен , че родителите му закупиха едно устройство за него , за да може да го използва по време на учебния период. Излишно е да казвам , че с учението той се справи надхвърляйки изискванията , без да прибегне отново до вземане на лекарствата и сега е в Италия като гостуващ студент от колежа си в Ню Йорк. Когато Т.С. се завърна за Деня на благодарността и дойде да се видим , той беше със светнали очи , фокусиран , очарователен и усмихващ се ; беше просто удоволствие да се наблюдава новооткритата увереност , която той излъчваше. Така че аз ви благодаря за усилията , които влагате в работата , която вършите.”

Testimonial from Graham J. Hadlington
Helping Hands UK Org., United Kingdom
June 27, 2007

"We came across the DAVID PAL by accident, but what a godsend this device has proven to be. The DAVID PAL proved to be a brilliant solution to help combat ADD. We have also used the device continuously to relieve stress and bring a calming mood to the staff at Helping Hands UK Org. We fully recommend and applaud the DAVID PAL and would encourage any organizations such as ours to utilize such a device. We cannot recommend this device enough."

Testimonial from Karen Rodway
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
April 24, 2007

"I just wanted to give you a two-week update on Kirsten. As you know she is borderline ADHD. Her teacher started using a checklist for concentration prior to the spring break in March. On average she had a 6 or 7 out of 10 possible checkmarks. Over the past week she has had a perfect score everyday. At home, Glen and I are finding her much more cooperative, less argumentative and she is doing her homework without bouncing up and down 100 times. I asked the teacher for work to be completed at home today and she has been working on it for the past two hours without complaint! Unbelievable! One of the biggest changes is her attitude towards us. She realizes right away that she stepped over the line and apologizes almost immediately. Her temper outbursts are almost non-existent. P.S. Glen tried a session when he had a headache and his headache went away."

Testimonial from Sinead Nulty
Drogheda, IRELAND
October 25, 2005

"Just a few lines to say thank you for the replacement Omniscreen. It's working wonders for a number of different problems (insomnia, relaxation, child with ADD) The DAVID PAL is an amazing tool. Again let me say thank you for replacing the Omniscreen so quickly and being such nice folks."

Testimonial from Mark Meincke
Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
April 17, 2003

"I'm a 33-year-old man with ADD, and I have found something that I would like to share. Over the last few weeks, I have been trying Entrainment Therapy. Basically, I'm using pre-programmed sequences of flashing lights as well as pulsed tones to change the hertz frequency of my mind.
Sounds strange I know, but since I found Mind Alive and their entrainment therapy gizmo, I've noticed a pronounced improvement in my ADD.

I'm out of the house, and on my way to work in 15 minutes, instead of 45
I'm able to remain task oriented far better
I can perform simple tasks such as getting dressed, or doing the dishes, far faster than ever before
My frustration levels have dropped significantly
I'm not a salesman, or an agent for this company, I'm just a customer who has had a life-changing result from entrainment therapy."

Testimonial from Mark Belisle
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA
October 4, 2003

"Wow, it's been two months since I received my DAVID Paradise XL+, and I have been using it every day. I like it. And I want to thank Dave and Nancy for being so helpful on the phone, as that was key to my purchase. Thanks. My friends say that I am calmer, that my hand tremor isn't as noticeable, and having ADD, I appreciate session 83 as well as a few other favorites, like 20 and 30. The beauty is that this makes meditation so easy, as I don't have to worry about falling asleep, unless I want to. My creativity has improved. I drive for a living, and feel that I am better focused, thanks to the sessions with the DAVID Paradise XL+."

Testimonial from Gwenda Travis
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
August 9, 1999

"Life was a nightmare! We really did think life was a nightmare. Ever since our son was in kindergarten. That's when it all began. David, our son, was a very happy baby and a happy little boy. We were so excited when he started kindergarten because he was so bright.
We took him to pre-kindergarten screening. Everything from speech and hearing to motor skills. The nurses and therapists seemed to be very impressed with David. His skills were good. But then they tested him for things that took a lot of attention. And of course I, as his mother, thought he had done exceptionally well. But the 'professionals' very quickly recommended that my husband and I hold David back from school for one year.
That's when the nightmare began. The first parent-teacher conference we had went rather well. But David's attention span was not what it should have been for a six year old. We went on through kindergarten with the end result being, that the school felt like David should be held back. We refused to sign the paperwork. Then came first grade. The problems became even worse. After a while I finally admitted that possible David did in fact have a problem. And again the school insisted that David be held back. We agreed.
David was then tested by the school psychologist. Having known the man for a number of years, I trusted his opinion. He very tactfully told us that he thought David might have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
The doctor began with Ritalin. The 'miracle drug for children with ADD. I began a diary of David's daily activities and moods. Things did not seem to be getting any better. I was still getting daily phone calls from his first grade teacher. So the dosage was increased. Again no change. Again the dosage was increased. That's when we started seeing a little change. But again the dosage was increased. At this point David was taking the maximum dosage for a child his size. He began having side effects from the medication. At this point the doctor changed him to Cylert. On a very low dosage we began seeing what we thought to be miracles.
David's school work was being completed. He didn't have as much homework. And he was almost back to the normal David we thought we had lost.

Then the D.A.R.E. Program started at school. This really affected David. He was tired of taking drugs, and he didn't want anyone to know he took anything. They might call him a 'druggy'.
This is when we went to our doctor, Dr. Aaron Kaufman, and he was so excited about this treatment he had gotten in California. It was called a Digital Audio Visual Integration Device (DAVID). And Aaron began doing his very best to get our David and the DAVID machine together. He also took David off of the Ritalin.
David's first visit to Ruth Little was 12-16-91. After the first treatment there was just a minor change. He could ride all the way home without jabbering. This was approximately a 10-mile ride. We were elated. And of course we continued the treatments. We never told his teachers that we were doing anything about David's lack of attention or hyperactivity. We just let it ride. But after each session, we noticed a little more change. The homework was getting done, there was less of it, and David seemed much happier. Even though we were having a few crisis at home. David was handling them very well. But in February, 1992, things began to happen. It was like David had bloomed. The homework was down to a minimum, and my husband and I were truly ready for the upcoming parent-teacher conference.
The teacher started off with 'Has something changed at home? David is doing wonderfully! His homework is complete, his grades are up, and his attention in class is unbelievable!' Of course I wanted to go hug Ruth and Aaron immediately! The very first GOOD conference we had ever had with any of David's teachers. His grades all came up but one. And that was reading. But he did maintain the C that he was carrying. We have continued to see remarkable things happen to David. As a result of the good grades he made it on the Merit Roll. This is not so much for grades as it is for progress.
As a result of the D.A.V.I.D. machine, our David is much easier to live with as a person. There are no more repeated instructions, no more senseless fights with his little sister (who is six years younger). Life is just so much easier now. I couldn't even begin to put into words the relief, the happiness and the thankfulness that the DAVID machine has brought to our David and our family.
In closing, I think any parent with a child who is having problems of any kind, learning, behavioral, psychological, any problem should be addressed by the D.A.V.I.D. machine.
Thanks for ending our nightmare and making life just a little bit easier!"

Testimonial from Michelle Mackay
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
May 11, 1998

"My son, Karl Mackay, has always had difficulty concentrating in school. He has been suspended, expelled and transferred from several schools since grade 1. Karl had to move to Edmonton in order to have access to programs and additional aide.
Karl began using the Paradise Jr. in October of 1997. Since using the Jr., my mother has witnessed encouraging changes in Karl. Karl has become more cooperative at home and at school.
We would recommend that any child suffering from ADD difficulties take advantage of the benefits of using this device. Rather than using drugs, we strongly suggest that parents at least make an attempt to use the Paradise Jr. first."

Testimonial from Diana Bierworth
Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
January 12, 1998

"My son has ADD/ADHD and as a result has problems concentrating in school. He has also been getting into fights in the schoolyard. I first heard about the DAVID Paradise on the news. He has been using the unit since the end of November and the change in him has been very dramatic. He no longer gets into fights at school, and has a better concentration in the classroom. He is a lot calmer and is able to focus better. His teacher has also noticed a change. He does his work in class, and has very little homework now. She commented to me, 'It's as if he no longer has ADD/ADHD.' He is a lot happier now and does not get as frustrated as he was before using the Paradise Jr. unit.
I would recommend the DAVID Paradise to anyone who has children with Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The results are astonishing! Thanks for all your help with my son."

Testimonial from Deb St. Jean
Sherwood Park, Alberta, CANADA
December 3, 1996

"At the end of grade two, June 94 in a discussion with my son Daryn’s Special Ed teacher, she indicated that he would require learning assistance until at least the end of grade nine due to Daryn’s inability to read proficiently and his inability to concentrate.
Daryn has exhibited signs of extremely active behavior from a very early age. During kindergarten he received testing and we were informed he showed all of the symptoms of AD/HD. Daryn found the educational system very challenging from the first day of ECS, his learning to read almost tore our family apart. By the end of grade one neither my husband nor I would attempt to read with him because he couldn’t concentrate long enough to visually recognize the word STAR. He is fascinated with stars, space etc, this simple word frustrated him totally as did words like THE and AND. It also made him really recognize internally for the first time that he was different and that hurt him a lot. What it also did was make him very competitive in any areas of his life where he was having any success to compensate for the pain and lack of success in the scholastic arena. This of course lead to a whole other set of problems aside from the academic challenges he was already facing.
In October 1994 we were fortunate enough to learn about the DAVID Paradise Jr. though a local television show followed by an evening seminar. By this point we had nothing to lose as neither my husband nor I believe that the masking of symptoms through the use of medication is a lifetime solution. We had tried a number of things including diet modification with only marginal results if any. We purchased the audio-visual entrainment (AVE) unit and gave our son a future.
In early November 1995, I was asked to attend a meeting about Daryn at his school. The number of individuals that they indicated were attending was more than at any previous meeting From experience I had learned really bad news seems to take teamwork to deliver, the worse the news the bigger the team. Therefore I was extremely apprehensive, even though Daryn seemed to be doing better than ever, really enjoying school and having real success in all areas as evidenced by the marks he was achieving in his note books and on his homework assignments.
At that meeting I received the second best bit of news in my son’s life to date. The first was at birth when I was told by his pediatrician that a birth defect affecting the shape of his skull would in no way impair or affect his intellectual capabilities nor with time would have any cosmetic affects. The news was that the school felt that if Daryn kept up his academic performance for the rest of the school year, he should be removed from the special program as he would have progressed beyond the program and could function satisfactorily in regular class with only a modified Language Arts program. He was the first person in our county ever to leave the program because he had academically moved beyond it. The reason all those attending the meeting were there, was to share in this first of its kind success. So I guess the moral of that story is that it takes the biggest teams to share great news.
Well, we are now a year later and Daryn has had his first report card as a student in standard class. His lowest mark was in math, 62%. His teacher says this no way accurately reflects reality, this is him mark in spite of submitting less than half of his grade 5 math homework assignments. His highest mark was in Science at 79%. He is now reading at the top end of Grade four level. At the rate he is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is required to follow the standard grade 6 Language Arts Program.
The comments section was our biggest joy, 'Works well with others. Works well in group situations. Is co-operative. Is really fun to have in the class.'
Like many other families, we suffered all of the pain, agony and frustration that a learning impairment entails. The audio-visual entrainment system, the DAVID Paradise Jr., is giving our son the future we would never have dreamed possible just over two years ago.
If I had only one wish, it would be that all children who may be symptomatic of ADD or AD/HD or any learning impairment that has a comprehension component, at least have the same opportunity to experience success as our son has, because every child should have the right to future. "

More Testimonials From Happy Parents

"Mitchell's vocabulary has increased from approximately 15 words to 35 words over a two-week period. For the first time ever, we are able to communicate clearly with him. We have observed many wonderful new things he is now able to do. These are all great accomplishments for Mitchell." - Penny Siminiuk, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"Jordan's attitude at home has improved greatly. He is now able to discuss situations rather than fight about them. His marks and behavior in school have improved greatly." - Patty Tucker, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"Adam has made improvements in many areas such as sleep, school, and social skills. We are very happy." - Eileen Hannah, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"Ryan is much more cooperative now. He recently brought home a mark of 95% in a course he was failing in just last semester." - Debbie Snatynchuk, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"Kyle is sleeping better. He was able to sit the whole session and really enjoyed himself!!!" - Jeannine Hepburn, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
"Dallas has gone through a dramatic change. He is now much calmer and relaxed. He is progressing very well in school and has gone up the equivalent of three grade point levels. He has settled down a lot. I truly believe this works!" - Karen Hihn, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA



Списъчен вид


DAVID Delight Plus - невро-релакс апарат със светлинно-звукови импулси (А.В.У.)

DAVID Delight Plus - невро-релакс апарат със светлинно-звукови импулси (А.В.У.)

DAVID Delight PRO - комбиниран невро-релакс апарат с А.В. импулси и електросън за психично разтоварване, с приложения в психотерапията или третирането на хронични болкови синдроми

DAVID Delight PRO - комбиниран невро-релакс апарат с А.В. импулси и електросън за психично разтоварване, с приложения в психотерапията или третирането на хронични болкови синдроми

Tru Vu Очила отворени очи ( бяла светлина )

Tru Vu Очила отворени очи ( бяла светлина )

Mind Reflection GSR - биофийдбек апарат за онагледяване и промяна на стрес реакциите чрез измерване и мониторинг на промените в автономната нервна система (А.Н.С.)

Mind Reflection GSR - биофийдбек апарат за онагледяване и промяна на стрес реакциите чрез измерване и мониторинг на промените в автономната нервна система (А.Н.С.)

Цена: 1,116.00лв.
Цена: 1,434.00лв.
Цена: 312.00лв.
Цена: 840.00лв.
VERIM ProNET - игрови биофийдбек софтуер за заучаване на умения за управление на стреса и нови начини за отреагиране на стресори

VERIM ProNET - игрови биофийдбек софтуер за заучаване на умения за управление на стреса и нови начини за отреагиране на стресори

Mini-Board Биофийдбек система за вестибуларна рехабилитация, тренировка на зрително-моторна координация и концентрация на вниманието с компютърни игри

Mini-Board Биофийдбек система за вестибуларна рехабилитация, тренировка на зрително-моторна координация и концентрация на вниманието с компютърни игри

ДИХАТЕЛНИ ИГРИ - игрова биофийдбек система за логопеди и дихателни упражнения при деца със заекване, говорни нарушения и ХАДВ

ДИХАТЕЛНИ ИГРИ - игрова биофийдбек система за логопеди и дихателни упражнения при деца със заекване, говорни нарушения и ХАДВ

Цена: 1,776.00лв.
Цена: 1,770.00лв.
Цена: 330.00лв.
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